
Consultative and Constructive Sales

The price of what is offered, is not more important than the quality and safety of what is offered.

1 – There is no savior, magic or motivator capable of solving your business or professional solution in moments where the demands are tied by the uncertainties.

2 – Absences from searches for what you do can only have some effect when complemented by serious, ongoing and creative work, in the face of the customers you still hold, those who have left and those in the hands of the competition.

3 – To mitigate the real and current crisis of the moment, your project, in order to stand, depends on the multiplier constancy of actions to be implemented, to produce approximations that offer improvements in relation to what others really need. Never be a persistent annoying in using repetitive methods. Make additions by looking for ways that are the right keys to open doors on a case-by-case basis, and based on the perception of how each segment would like to be served before, during and especially after the deal is completed.

4 – Not knowing exactly what is being offered and what to do to give continuous support is the incomplete “call center” or “webmail” side, which no one else has the ability to listen to or use as an imposed search medium, which offers at the wrong time and which also does not solve or explain anything about what you really need. The value of maintenance and new achievements depends on an advisory support, from people who know what they offer, who understand the importance of anticipating solutions, even before the client requests.

5 – The price of what is offered, is not more important than the quality and safety of what is offered.Sales is an integrated part of a team prepared to respond and solve, within a cellular vision, that seeks the understanding, when the need for immediate and desired solutions by the client.

Author: Sérgio Dal Sasso

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