
AGPR5 provides TERAZAKI Circuit Breakers for the electric panels of the new line of the Toyota Etios 2018

The AGPR5 exclusive distributor of the TERASAKI brand in Brazil, signed the contract for the supply of “distribution and protection circuit breakers” for the expansion of the TOYOTA plant in Sorocaba / SP, responsible for the production of the compact Etios in the hatchback and sedã versions.


In 1937 was inaugurated TOYOTA MOTOR COMPANY, initiating a history that would cross decades and present to the world a new form to manufacture cars. Today TOYOTA is the largest automaker on the planet, operating in 160 countries and known for its quality, innovation and respect for people and the environment.

The Factory of Sorocaba, inaugurated in 2012, is the third TOYOTA Plant in Brazil and the first one developed under the ECOFACTORY concept of the country (same methodology of the Japan matrix), designed to annually reduce the emission of generated waste, volatile organic compounds and CO2 emissions, as well as rainwater reuse and environmental preservation of the area.


Founded in 1923 in Japan, within the global service philosophy, the company TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO. has a strong presence in the main areas of infrastructure (Naval, Hydroelectric Power Plants, Electric Power Distributors, Telecommunications, Transportation, Steel Industry, Mining, Petrochemical), industrial (Automotive) and public services.

Known for the Quality and Technology of its products, TERASAKI sells the following components:

– Open and molded case circuit-breakers;
– Circuit breaker-motor and mini circuit breakers;
– DR’s;
– Contactors and mini contactors;
– Thermal relays and protective relays.

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