Innovation with Certification of Intellectual Right Innovation with Certifications of Registration of Intellectual Rights “GEMBA MIll, GEMBA MILK and GEMBA FARM”.
AGPR5 fulfilling its mission of “Finding and Transforming Knowledge with Results to our Clients”, especially in the Agroindustries and Food / Beverages sectors, must have in its DNA the innovation, because it has transformed the means of production with its industries towards the technologies 4.0.
However, often in a country where piracy is something normal, and does not value Patents, Copyright, and Industrial or Intellectual Properties due to the slowness of the bodies responsible for such records as INPI.
The copyright or intellectual property of our country is regulated by Law No. 9.610 / 98, which aims to protect literary, artistic and scientific works, thereby preventing third parties from using the protected works improperly.
To enjoy protection it is necessary that thoughts and ideas are externalized, passed to a concrete document ceasing to exist only in our mind.
All this registration work relied on the unceasing persistence of the excellent professional and CEO of Paim Intellectual Property, Evaristo Paim Filho who for almost 24 months did not care about efforts to circumvent the bureaucracy and slowness of INPI.
In this way, the AGPR5 after a long journey in search of the Certification of their Rights was able to register the new version of its Software in the last month, which is:
GEMBA MES MILL – Software and / or Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for Automation and Process Control of Animal Nutrition Factories, fruit of 14 years of development and more than 100,000 hours of work.
GEMBA MES MILK – Software and / or Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for Automation and Process Control in Dairy or Milk Production, fruit of 04 years of development and over 20,000 hours of work;
GEMBA MES FARM – Software and / or Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for Automation and Control of Farms or Integrated or Family Agriculture, as the youngest we have 18 months of development and 10,000 hours of work.
Now there are already four registrations in the INPI whether of Patents or of Intellectual Rights of AGPR5 | A5 Group in the last 12 months, thus confirming our innovation DNA thus contributing to a more technological world.