
Is Your Factory Ready to Compete in Industry 4.0?

The fourth industrial revolution is happening. According to Forbes Brasil, “The fourth revolution is the concept of blending the real world with the technological world. Virtual reality allows us to consume and interact with information in new ways, robots and software side by side with humans, nano-robots that may one day cure some diseases, 3D printing tools, voice controls, and another endless list of things.”

The impact that the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 can generate and the direction it will take us are still unknown.

Year 2018 promises to be a year of important progress in the adaptation of the national industry, which will be decisive in competitiveness. According to the Diário de Comércio, Indústria e Serviços, “Brazil is working on the issue at governmental and entity levels, but membership is still starting. Santa Catarina is a bit ahead of the rest of Brazil, because Industry 4.0 is strongly linked to technology and the state has one of the best poles in the country and the world in this area.”

This moment of transformation presents great opportunities for those who are attentive and prepared. AGPR5, a technology company from Santa Catarina, is prepared to make Industry 4.0 a reality, through management systems and solutions in automation and technology.

Our Gemba MES (Manufacturing Execution System) platform, through the concepts of Industry 4.0, offers all the controls to organize and optimize the production line of your factory in all its stages.

Gemba MES is a complete system of control, real-time monitoring and execution of industrial processes capable of guarantee the efficiency in the productivity and the highest quality in the factory floor, using essential information of the equipment and automated processes, enabling the traceability from the material to the final product.

Is your factory prepared to compete in Industry 4.0? Get to know our Gemba MES platform: https://www.agpr5.com/en/gemba-mes-en

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